Sunday, September 28, 2008

outlandish plans of varying degrees

The Southern Summer of Socks is back on again this coming 2008-09 summer. My achievements vis-a-vis last summer's version were nothing short of a failure (albeit a quite spectacular one), and for lack of a better scapegoat I'm going to blame it on the fact that I didn't set any goals for the project.

So in keeping with my approach to tasks and life in general, I feel it's time to set some mildly outlandish and completely unrealistic goals!
  • I plan to knit 10 pairs of socks between October 2008 and April 2009
  • All of the socks I knit will be with yarn from my sock stash
  • some patterns I plan to knit up include Garden Gate (already started!), Twisted Flower, Lissajous, Vinnland, Baroque and Ornette. (Do you think I can be bothered linking all those?? check Ravelry, but trust me they're all HOT)
Right! All that remains now is to sit back and wait for the entire plan to fall apart in my face as I get distracted by something shiny (par example - watching endless episodes of Never Mind the Buzzcocks on YouTube).

ALSO, this needs mentioning. Plans (no doubt of an outlandish nature) are afoot to make American Psycho into a Broadway musical. Has the world gone mad? (Hmmm...don't answer that). The only possible way this production could work would be if it starred Troy McClure.


Paul Newman 1925-2008
Actor, humanitarian, and all-round dreamboat.

Friday, September 19, 2008


Cleopatra Begins
Originally uploaded by miss_reecie
Is it possible that I can finish this beautiful stole in time for 9 October, which is when I'm seeing The Pearlfishers? Now that the weather has finally started to warm up, I'm envisioning wearing it with a beautiful draped Grecian-style black dress which I bought last year at the end of summer and haven't worn yet.